Extraordinary Moments: Kate Danker


[Ambient music begins playing]

00:06 --> 00:09 Annette Champion: "This program was established in the mid-1970s."

00:09 --> 00:14 "One of the clinical faculty members thought it would be a nice idea for students

00:15 --> 00:18 to be able to observe speech-language pathology happening in a natural setting."

00:18 --> 00:25 "I’ve known Kate since she first arrived at IU, and what’s been really fun this semester

00:25 --> 00:31 is to see how much confidence she’s gotten and how she can think on her own

00:31 --> 00:33 and be creative on her own."

00:35 --> 00:38 Kate Danker to Joseph: "Hi, Joseph! Hi! You ready to go sign in?"

00:39 --> 00:40 Kate Danker: "Joseph is so much fun."

00:40 --> 00:44 "I love when he comes in the door every single time for preschool."

00:44 --> 00:46 "It’s like he’s coming here for the first time."

00:46 --> 00:48 Kate: "Hickory, dickory, dock."

00:49 --> 00:51 "The mouse ran up the clock."

00:51 --> 00:53 Kate: "Can you draw a mouse?"

00:54 --> 00:58 Annette: "The children that come to our program receive speech-language services."

00:58 --> 01:00 "We focus on speech sounds and on language development."

01:00 --> 01:02 All: "Razzle, dazzle."

01:03 --> 01:08 Annette: "We’re using multiple modalities to teach them to be better communicators

01:08 --> 01:11 and prep them for school."

01:11 --> 01:14 Haruko Murphy: "We’ve always just felt great about the fact

01:14 --> 01:21 that our little ones are contributing to these young people’s higher education."

01:24 --> 01:25 All: "Warm."

01:25 --> 01:27 All: "Sunny."

01:27 --> 01:28 Child: "We're going outside!"

01:28 --> 01:31 Teacher: "And we can go outside!"

01:32 --> 01:37 Kate: "You use communication in every part of everyday of your life."

01:38 --> 01:45 "Language really plays a part in these kids creating friendships and learning how to play together."

01:48 --> 01:49 Kate: "Ready?"

01:49 --> 01:54 Annette: "I get the pleasure of actually observing Kate and Joseph

01:54 --> 01:56 when they do individual one-on-one sessions."

01:56 --> 01:59 "In those sessions, they have so much fun."

01:59 --> 02:01 "He doesn’t even realize he’s working."

02:01 --> 02:02 Kate: "Slope."

02:02 --> 02:04 Joseph: "Slope."

02:04 --> 02:07 Kate: "Both parts of your sound! That is awesome! Here you go!"

02:07 --> 02:09 Annette: "He just thinks he’s having a good time with Kate."

02:10 --> 02:11 "To me, that’s what it’s all about."

02:11 --> 02:14 "We want to help them, but we want it to be a pleasant experience."

02:14 --> 02:15 Kate: "Where does your tongue go? Show me."

02:15 --> 02:16 Both: "La."

02:16 --> 02:18 Kate: "Just like that."

02:18 --> 02:23 Kate: "I think kids in general just have a different worldview than we do."

02:23 --> 02:27 "And when you spend time with them, you do learn from them because

02:27 --> 02:30 they’re coming at everything from a different point of view."

02:30 --> 02:35 "I feel like I’ve learned from them and, hopefully, they’ve learned from me." [Kate laughs.]

[Ambient music plays, and fades away.]

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