Research Grants

Funds are intended to cover costs related to conducting the student’s original work, which may include equipment, materials and supplies, software, payment of participants, and travel and fees to academic conferences related to the student’s project. Please note that to receive conference funds, your submission must already be accepted and the conference must take place during the time that you are an undergraduate in the SLHS program.

Application process

To apply for a research grant, students must complete a General Application in the IU Scholarships system, see links below. Once the general application is complete, eligible students will be able to view and apply for the IUB-Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences Undergraduate Research Support Grant opportunity in the IU Scholarships system. Applications will be reviewed by the SLHS Undergraduate Awards Committee. The committee review will consider the clarity and originality of the application, relevance of project to the field, and an advisor’s support letter addressing the merits of the research work and the student’s independent contributions.

Benefits of collaborative research

  • Develop a one-on-one mentoring relationship with a SLHS faculty member
  • Engage in the creation of new knowledge
  • Acquire a deeper understanding of the enterprise of science
  • Strengthen critical thinking and problem solving skills
  • Enhance academic credentials to support application to graduate school and career employment

Grant requirements

By accepting an Undergraduate Research Grant, you are agreeing to submit a write up of your experience at the end of the spring semester.


For more information, email the Undergraduate Program Director at<>