Voice & Speech Evaluation Clinic

Voice & Speech Evaluation Clinic

The Voice and Speech Evaluation Clinic provides assessment and treatment for children and adults with a variety of voice, upper airway and speech problems. Our evaluations are customized to the concerns of each client, and include laryngeal imaging (laryngeal endoscopy and stroboscopy), acoustic, aerodynamic and perceptual assessment, and standardized speech testing. These data provide baseline performance to inform our treatment recommendations.

Voice treatment is individualized to the needs of each client, with goals to develop clear and strong voice quality free of laryngeal strain or effort. Specialized therapy for professional voice users (singers, actors, teachers, lawyers. etc.) is available. Our clinic also provides specialized treatment programs for transgender and gender diverse clients who want to change their communication profile. Other specialized treatment programs are available to address breathing difficulties related to paradoxical vocal fold motion or exercise induced laryngeal obstruction, chronic cough and throat clearing, spasmodic dysphonia, and vocal fold atrophy.

Speech services are available for a variety of clientele across the lifespan. These include voice and speech assessment and therapy for children and adults with cleft palate or other craniofacial anomalies, individuals with Parkinson disease, and individuals with other neurological etiologies. Speech services are also provided for individuals with fluency disorders, including stuttering and cluttering.

  • Functional voice and airway problems
  • Voice problems due to vocal pathology
  • Speech problems (fluency/stuttering, Parkinson’s disease, cleft palate or craniofacial anomalies)

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